Issue #3: How much do you know about YOU?

Signs you might have sensory sensitivities šŸ”®

Touchy Feely is reinventing wellness to make life less prickly.

Dear reader ,

To be honest, there was a lot about myself I didnā€™t understand until I was in my mid-thirties, especially about my health and well-being.

I knew about certain thingsā€”like how I didnā€™t like the way the ocean floor (or, seams in socks šŸ«  ) felt touching my feet, or how the perfume counter could bring on a headacheā€”but I didnā€™t know that these reactions were sensory sensitivities not just weird, personality quirks. And, I didnā€™t know why I was reacting to everything in my environment.

Discovering my sensory sensitivitiesā€”and some of the causesā€”was a big step toward better health and being kinder to myself. I hope that through what I share on Touchy Feely, you can discover some clues to improve your own health or self-awareness too.

If you donā€™t think you have sensory sensitivities but you do struggle to process all of the sensory stimuli coming at us these days (thereā€™s a lot, we knowā€¦), the information in todayā€™s newsletter can still be helpful.

Towards better wellbeing,



ā˜‘ļø You cut tags off clothes, rarely wear jewelry, or need to tie your hair up to be comfortable

ā˜‘ļø Youā€™re a light sleeper

ā˜‘ļø Youā€™re either too hot or too cold most of the time

ā˜‘ļø You drop everything you touch, trip easily, or bump into things often

ā˜‘ļø You avoid strong smells, especially chemical smells like perfume, air fresheners, and cleaning supplies

ā˜‘ļø If someoneā€™s playing music, or watching TV, youā€™re commonly asking to turn the volume down

ā˜‘ļø You feel drained and fatigued after interacting with people or visiting a crowded space

ā˜‘ļø Youā€™re not a big fan of hugs or handshakes, even from people you know

ā˜‘ļø Overhead, fluorescent, or flickering lights make you feel anxious and irritated

ā˜‘ļø You have a child with sensory processing disorder, ADHD, autism or another form of neurodiversity

Do any of these ring true? If so, you might want to speak with your healthcare provider to better understand if you have sensory sensitivities, a sensory processing disorder, or a related condition.

Wondering why youā€™re feeling this way? Weā€™ll dive into some of the common causes in next weekā€™s issueā€¦ if you havenā€™t already, subscribe so you donā€™t miss it!

Want help managing your sensitivities? Donā€™t miss out on our free personal shopping service! We wonā€™t be offering this next year, so grab a slot while theyā€™re still available. ā¬‡ļø 


Finding sensory-friendly wellness products is HARD!

Whether you want better sleep, need suggestions for a smelly teen who wonā€™t shower, or are looking to simplify holiday shopping, let us help! šŸ™‚ 

Grab one of 25 free personal shopping sessions and let us find the information and products you need (US-based only, valid now through 12/31/23).

Want to know what weā€™re reading, eating, and doing? Hereā€™s this weekā€™s bestā€¦

šŸ¤Œ Touching: This discreet sterling silver anti-anxiety fidget ring {link}

šŸ‘€ Seeing: Absolutely nothing with this silk, blackout mask {link}

šŸ’š Feeling: Vicarious grief. What it is, and how to cope {link}

šŸ‘‚ļø Hearing: ā€œSix Magic Words That Stop Anxiety and Overwhelm,ā€ with Mel Robbins {link}.

šŸ¬ Tasting: NeuroGum Energy & Focus gum & mints {link}

šŸ”® Sensing: ā€œThe Midnight Library,ā€ by Matt Haig teaches us how to live without regrets by inviting us to live again, and again, and again. {link}

šŸ¤ø Moving: Tai Chi is the new yoga. Join a class here {link}

āœļø Learning: ā€œThe Spoon Theory: What It Is, and How it Can Help Youā€ {link}

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Disclaimers: Touchy Feely does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this company is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a qualified health or mental health professional with any questions or concerns about your physical or mental health.

When purchasing products through our links, we may earn a commission from Amazon or other partners. Thank you for supporting a neurodivergent-owned business!


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